Why I love having a beachy small business
Some of you may not know I used to be a teacher before I had my own business. I miss it sometimes but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I love having my own business with my kids in school and all of their activities. I’m able to work my schedule around them and be there for them when they need me.
I knew I didn’t want to go back to full time work when my kids reached school age so I was determined to find something that I could do from home.
Years ago, I’d never have imagined it would be sign making that allowed me the freedom we needed to raise our family and I’m grateful I found a passion that people actually enjoy and want to buy from me! While I’d love more breaks to do my favorite activities, while the busyness of life can get overwhelming, there is nothing else I’d rather be doing for work!
Thank you for being here and being a part of it, whether you buy my signs or just interact with me here, it all means so much! If you are new here, hit that button to join along in the journey!