Keeping the beach safe for nesting sea turtles
It’s sea turtle nesting season and there are some important things to remember!
Keep the beach nice and flat, don’t leave holes or trash, and don’t shine white lights on the beach at night. Mama sea turtles coming to lay their nests could be injured in holes or caught up in the trash, and when their babies begin to hatch in a couple of months, the same could happen to them. They use the light of the moon to guide them back to the sea, so at night lights by the water should only be red lights so they won’t follow them into the sand dunes or worse into traffic.
We came upon a hold big enough for us all to fit in one day, and had it been just a bit darker a person or animal could’ve been trapped or hurt. Digging small holes is ok, if you fill them in but sand near water isn’t stable and there have been incidents even recently with animals and humans losing their lives due to holes collapsing in on them.
Keep yourself and our beaches safe by keeping them flat and clean. Tell me below if you’ve ever seen a sea turtle in the wild, and hit that button to follow along in the beachy journey